Media Spiritual Career Counseling

The Information Age, Volumes 1-3: Economy, Society and

2025-02-21 12:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

Trevor1,443 reviews23.7k followersFebruary 6, 2019The first volume sets out Castells understanding of the changes that have been wrought to society due to the information revolution particularly in relation to various forms of networking that underpin that revolution and the changes forced upon us by this upon our conceptions of space and time. The second volume considers the impacts these changes have brought to our notions of identity, with the main message being that the network society often means we are more prepared and better able to come out of the closet, to be ourselves and to assert our rights. The decrease in the power of the nation state has been matched by an increase in feelings of nationalism, and of religious intolerance. Volume three turns to the political and economic manifestations of these changes in various regions in the world, and in terms of the growth of the criminal underworld. This book is quite a ride.The first chapter details the collapse of the Sov...

Category: Employment


The information age according to Manuel Castells

2025-02-21 12:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

Related papersReview essay. The information age according to Manuel CastellsAndrew CalabreseJournal of Communication, 1999View PDFchevron_rightManuel Castells - AN INTRODUCTION TO THE INFORMATION AGECarlota Sanchez FernandezAN INTRODUCTION TO THE INFORMATION AGE, 1997IN THE LAST DECADE Iwasstruck,asmanyhavebeen,byaseriesof major historical events that have transformed our world/our lives. Just to mention the most important: the diffusion and deepening of the information technology revolution, including genetic engineering; the collapse of the Soviet Union, with the consequent demise of the international Communist movement, and the end of the Cold War that had marked everydung for the last half a century; the restructuring of capitalism; the process of globalization; emergence of the Pacific as the most dynamic area of the global economy; the paradoxical combination of a surge in nationalism and the crisis of the sovereign nation-state; the crisis of democratic politics, shaken by perio...

Category: Employment


Manuel Castells: Theory of Information Age

2025-02-21 12:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Sociology Wordcount: 1665 words Published: 19th Jul 2018 Reference this Share this: Facebook Facebook logo Twitter Twitter logo Reddit Reddit logo LinkedIn LinkedIn logo WhatsApp WhatsApp logo Manuel Castells is one of the most widely recognised contributors to contemporary debates about globalisation. Indeed his three volume trilogy The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture published from 1996 to 2000 was amongst the earliest, full-scale theories of globalisation. Castells transformed globalisation from a fashionable academic concept into a a whole new phase of human history. More recent contributors such as Hardt and Negri, Held, Bauman and Giddens have arguably been writing within Castells legacy. Few since however, have been able to match the boldness of Castells venture which some are already characterising as a work in the tradition of previous grand works of sociology such as Karl Marx and Max Weber. Of course, it is too early to...

Category: Employment


Manuel Castells: "El cambio está en la mente de las personas"

2025-02-21 12:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

El sociólogo espaol, experto en movimientos Network, dice que las protestas en Brasil y en todo el mundo crean un nuevo espacio público para romper con la política tradicional.Cuando el sociólogo espaol Manuel Castells, aterrizó en Sao Paulo a principios de junio para participar en la serie de los límites del pensamiento, las protestas contra el gobierno y los políticos se intensificaron en todo el Brasil. Parecía una coincidencia.Castells, de 71 aos, profesor de Comunicación de la Universidad del Sur de California, es uno de los grandes estudiosos de los cambios sociales producidos en lo que llamó la Era de Internet.Publicada en el ensayo de 2001 :La Galaxia Internet, sobre la relación entre la vida virtual y la vida real.Ahora lanza en BrasilRedes indignación y esperanza Movimientos Sociales en la era de Internet(Zahar, 276 páginas, $ 49.90 EE.UU.), un libro que analiza los movimientos sociales en la red.Castells, minúsculo, hiperactividad, habla rápida, lo que hace difícil ma...

Category: Employment


Manuel Castells Quotes (Author of The Rise of the Network Society)

2025-02-21 12:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

Goodreads helps you follow your favorite authors. Be the first to learn about new releases!Start by following Manuel Castells.Follow Author(?) Showing 1-29 of 29 the media are not the holders of power, but they constitute by and large the space where power is decided. Manuel Castells, Communication Power tags: communication, media, media-and-society 18 likes Like Yet, the main issue is not the shaping of the minds by explicit messages in the media, but the absence of a given content in the media. Manuel Castells, Communication Power tags: media 15 likes Like In the United States, congressional and state elections typically attract little voter interest, and voters have scant knowledge about the names of their representatives or their challengers. A growing body of research suggests that, for these politicians, particularly during primaries, being implicated in a scandal may actually be beneficial (Burden, 2002). This benefit is particularly pronounced for office challengers. A...

Category: Employment


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