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20 of the best movies based on a true story
2025-03-15 11:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
Life may imitate art, but sometimes art imitates life right back.True stories have served as fodder for media for decades across television, films, and even podcasts. Major moments in history have been translated to the silver screen, as well as heartwarming and sometimes, heartbreaking stories about day-to-day lives.Whether you're looking to relive history or for a dose of human experience, here's a list of some of the best movies based on a true story.Moneyball (2011)Moneyball brought Michael Lewis' 2003 book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game to the silver screen in 2011. The movie starred Brad Pitt as Billy Beane, a manager taxed with a small budget and an unconventional approach to beating the wealthier teams. Beane teams up with Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), a fictional character loosely based on Paul DePodesta from the book. Rather than choosing players the old-school way, he selects players who have potential statistically but have been written off by scouts.Mo...
Your One-Stop Guide To Acupuncture Needles - Acupuncture Continuing Education
2025-03-15 09:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling
/ Acupuncture Practice Management / By ACEFinding the Best Acupuncture NeedlesYou may be looking into what acupuncture needles to carry in your practice or maybe youre looking to update the needles you carry, but cant seem to find a straight answer on which acupuncture needles are best.Who do you believe?Which acupuncture needle brand is best?Plastic or copper handle?Why is this brand cheaper than that brand?Which brand will give a good enough experience to bring patients back and make them feel safe?While your schooling may have given you a clue on types of needles, and answers to all these questions, there is not a lot out there to point an acupuncturist in the right direction on the safest and best needles to use for treatments. In fact, what most acupuncturists stumble upon are advertisements, all claiming to have the best needle at the best price. The fact is that there are many components that should be considered when choosing the right needles to carry.Are All Acupuncture Nee...
Everything (Yes, Really) You Need to Know About Tattooing Dark Skin
2025-03-15 09:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling
Most people decide they want to get inked, and then immediately start scrolling through IG to find an artist and design they love (I'm currently obsessed with the tiny tattoo trend, BTW). But for people with dark skin tones, this step can end up raising some pretty serious concerns. Just take a quick scroll through any tattoo inspo page, it might be a while before you see a tattoo on dark skin. In fact, you might not see one at all. And its no secret that this lack of representation can make people of color question if the tattoo they wantor any tattoo at allis even possible for their skin tone.The internet doesnt really do much to clear anything up eitheryour Google search results will probs have you digging through conflicting info from wannabe experts, leaving you with mental whiplash. So what is the truth *Oprah Winfrey voice* about tattoos for dark skin? To help set the record straight, I reached out to dermatologist Joyce I. Imahiyerobo-Ip, MD, Atlanta-based tattoo artist De...