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Bubble Skincare Huidverzorging Review - The Beauty Creator
2025-03-25 00:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling
Af en toe doe ik onderzoek naar de meest trending onderwerpen op het gebied van beauty en skincare. Tijdens mijn zoektocht stuitte ik op Bubble Skincare, een merk dat huidverzorgingsproducten biedt die zijn ontwikkeld door dermatologen en specifiek gericht zijn op de jeugdige huid. De producten zijn vrij van chemicaliën, parfums en andere onnodige synthetische ingrediënten en bevatten juist effectieve ingrediënten die dicht bij de natuur staan.Tijdens mijn bezoek aan hun website ontdekte ik hun ambassadeursprogramma. Ik besloot me aan te melden en bestelde hun The Every Face Routine, een skincare routine bestaande uit drie producten die zorgen voor een gezonde en evenwichtige huid. Benieuwd naar mijn ervaring? Lees het hier in mijn review van Bubble Skincare. Tip: shop de Bubble Skincare set hier extra voordelig!gebruik code: JANINELDKJ voor 10% korting bij BubbleInhoudOver Bubble SkincareThe Every Face RoutineFresh Start CleanserSlam Dunk Hydrating MoisturizerSolar Mate Daily Minera...
King of the Coconino - PHOENIX magazine
2025-03-24 22:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
HistoryIn 1927, the nation sank its fangs into the real-life drama of a Hollywood lion stranded in Arizonas Rim Country.The Ryan B-1 Brougham airplane that took off from San Diego in September 1927 bound for New York transported feline royalty in its backseat no ordinary pussycat, but a fully grown, 12-year-old male African lion named Jackie, newly tapped by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film studio to be Hollywoods best-known mascot.Jackie was taking over the role of Leo the Lion, the trademarked jungle cat famous for opening MGM movies by roaring his dominance across the big screen. To promote his new role, the studio was flying Jackie across the country. His journey, however, would end far short of the destination. Five hours after departure, the plane and its occupants vanished. The mystery of their whereabouts would not be solved until four days later, when a disheveled man dressed in a lion-tamer costume staggered onto a remote Arizona ranch beneath the Mogollon Rim.The ensuing saf...
Oscar voters have long memories: Casablanca wins Best Picture 16 months after its premiere
2025-03-24 22:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
The Academy Awards grew up at the 16th annual ceremony March 2, 1944. Since the first Oscar ceremony at the Hollywood Roosevelts Blossom Room in 1929, the Academy Awards were small banquet ceremonies for La La Land movers and shakers. But that all changed 80 years ago. World War II was in its third year and movies meant more than ever to war-weary audiences.So, the Oscars moved to the then-Graumans Chinese Theatre in Hollywood and bleachers were introduced giving fans a chance to see their favorites walk the red carpet. And instead of a select industry audience, attendees included members of all branches of the armed services many of whom sat in bleachers on the stage at the Chinese. The ceremony was heard locally on KFWB; Jack Benny hosted the international broadcast for the troops on CBS Radio via shortwave. And for the first time, supporting performers finally received a full-size Academy Award. Since there awards introduction seven years earlier, winners had received a plaque wh...