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FDW FANGDA., A Canada Trademark of FANGDA HOLDING CO., LTD.. Application Number: 2150920 :: Trademark Elite Trademarks
2025-02-15 02:45:02| Spiritual Career Counseling
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What Happened to Ash Ketchum? How the Original Pokemon Anime Ended
2025-02-13 23:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling
The original Pokemon animated series started in 1997, and for 26 years and more than 1,200 episodes, we got to watch Ash and Pikachu travel to different regions, battle and befriend trainers, and catch all sorts of Pokemon.We even witnessed Ash finally win a tournament!However, all good things come to an end, and despite Ashs age being perpetual, his journey cant go on forever with us.His final episode aired on March 24, 2023 in Japan and September 8, 2023 in the US and since then, we havent seen him in the new Pokemon anime.But what happened to Ash anyway? Did he become a true-blue Pokemon Master and learn who his dad is? Did Ash marry someone? Is he even coming back to Pokemon? What about Team Rocket?Lets embark on our own Pokemon journey and find the answers to these questions!What Happened to Ash in Pokemon? Is Ashs Story Over?After Ash won the World Tournament in Sun and Moon and toured different regions in Journeys, Ash met up with some of his old companions (Misty and Brock...
How did the Pokémon anime end after 25 years?
2025-02-13 23:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling
AdvertisementAdvertise with NZME.Home / EntertainmentNZ Herald27 Mar, 2023 02:49 AM4 mins to readAsh and Pikachu, centre, have entertained generations of fans for 25 years. Photo / The Pokémon CompanyAfter 25 years and 1232 episodes worth of adventures, the Pokémon anime last week farewelled Ash and Pikachu as the main characters in a low-key episode bound to delight and annoy fans in equal measure.The perpetual 10-year-old and his electric mouse companion have been a key part of many childhoods since they first debuted on Japanese screens on April 1st 1997, followed by the English dub premiering in September 1998.But their end was announced in December last year, after Ash achieved his goal of becoming the very best by winning the world championships and taking on the title of the worlds strongest trainer.With little room left to carry on their story, producers announced an 11-part farewell series to wrap up Ash and Pikachus storyline, before a new anime with different leads launc...