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In memoriam: Imam Muhsin Hendricks
2025-03-27 08:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
Met verdriet hebben we kennis genomen van het overlijden van Muhsin Hendricks, de eerste openlijk homoseksuele imam ter wereld. Zijn werk voor de queer gemeenschap en zijn onvermoeibare inzet voor inclusiviteit blijven een inspiratie voor ons allen. In 2014 interviewde Haroon Ali Mushin Hendricks voor Winq Magazine. Hier het originele interview.De Islamitische Staat verspreidt zich als een olievlek, of beter gezegd: bloedvlek. Dat zien we althans op de landkaarten van het journaal. En als we de media mogen geloven, staan er overal rabiate moslims te popelen om mee te doen aan de gewapende jihad. Maar in de islamitische wereld wint gelukkig ook een stillere, onbekendere tak steeds meer terrein. Een groep moslims die toe is aan vernieuwing. Die moskeeën wil opengooien voor iedereen: vrouwen, kritische denkers, niet-moslims en zelfs homos. Niet zo gek, want deze voorhoede bestaat veelal uit openlijk homoseksuele imams.Muhsin Hendricks uit Zuid-Afrika is bevriend met vier van hen. Volgen...
How to Clean Dental Bridge: What You Need to Know
2025-03-27 06:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
How do you clean a dental bridge? Fixed dental bridges are one of the most common solutions for replacing a missing tooth. They are durable and will last a long time, but they do require a little maintenance. You will need to clean your bridge every day to prevent bacteria buildup and keep your mouth healthy. But if youve never had a bridge before, keeping it clean takes practice. Heres our guide on how to properly clean and floss underneath a dental bridge. Why Do You Need to Clean Under a Dental Bridge?A fixed bridge is a permanent appliance, and cant be removed for cleaning like dentures. You also cant floss between the false teeth of a bridge like you would with natural teeth. But that doesnt mean you can skip flossing the bridge altogether. Food can easily get caught under a dental bridge, because the false tooth has no root. If you dont floss underneath it, bacteria will begin to accumulate in the gap between the false tooth and the gums. Over time, the bacteria can cause g...
The Best LED Face Masks to Revitalize Your Complexion
2025-03-27 06:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
Products are independently selected by our editors. We may earn an affiliate commission from links.With the best red light therapy mask, one can effectively treat an array of skin conditions such as wrinkles, acne, fine lines, dark spots, and more. The futuristic devices nowadays are some of the most convenient, hands-free treatments on the market; experts say that a light therapy treatment via a comfortable siliconed mask or targeted spot treatment works well in tandem with your on-going skin-care routine. But, how exactly does the technology work? To find out, we reviewed the beauty tools on the market, parsed through the Vogue beauty closet, and sifted through dermatologist recommendations to curate this edit of the best LED face masks for various needs and skin types to supercharge your skin-care regimen.Our Favorite LED and Red Light Therapy MasksBest Red Light Therapy for Face: Omnilux Contour Face, $395Best LED Face Mask: CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask, $380Best Dermato...