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Oropharyngeal Nasopharyngeal and Endotracheal Tubes
2025-03-01 15:45:05| Spiritual Career Counseling
Spread the loveAirway management in the critical care setting depends on 4 steps which, when followed adequately, ensure patients safety:timely clinical identification of airway compromise in patientuse of the most appropriate airway maneuver for the patientappropriately choosing and introducing airway adjuncts becoming aware if and when the need for ventilation arises, and delivering it effectivelyOropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal airways are tubes made of plastic or rubber used to help maintain airway patency by keeping the tongue out of the way from obstructing the upper airway. Whilst in use, patient breathing should be assessed and confirmed so that proper positioning is ensured.Complicationsgaggingvomiting (may lead to aspiration)bleeding following trauma to the oral or nasal cavityairway obstruction caused by the oropharyngeal airway pushing the tongue to the backlaryngospasm vocal chord spasm which causes temporary difficulties with breathing and speaking NOTE: The oropharyng...
Doom 3 Review - Teaching an Old Demon New Tricks | TheXboxHub
2025-03-01 11:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
After the first two games, it all went quiet on the Doom front. There were a few ports, and even a game for the Nintendo 64, however the general consensus was they couldnt quite escape the shadow of the original. Despite this, Doom 3 was released on the Xbox in 2005, which is a re-telling of the first game with an action-horror twist on events; the emphasis very much being on the horror. Considering just how good the 2016 re-imaging of Doom is, did iD pull it off 11 years previously? Before we begin, let me warn you. Doom 3 is bloody scary, and jumpy as hell. Youll once again be battling through an infested UAC facility before descending into hell itself to quell the demon invasion. This release also contains both the Resurrection of Evil and The Lost Missions expansion packs. And all this demon slaying goodness is yours for just 7.99.When you boot up Doom 3, all will seem normal as the menu screen is backed with some heavy metal riffing just like the good old days. However, thi...
Review: Doom 3 (Switch) - A Dark, Unnerving Oddity In The Slayer Series That Still Impresses
2025-03-01 11:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
The recent release of the Doom trilogy on Switch has been a welcome one, even though its been one mired in controversy over login-gate. Doom remains a fantastic game more than a quarter of a century after its initial launch, and thats more or less the case with Doom II as well. Doom 3, meanwhile, is a very different game and one that requires its own scrutiny.Released a full decade after Doom II, the third Doom game is something of a reboot of the original. As in that, you play a nameless marine whos been sent to Mars on security duty to protect military research into portals. Something goes massively wrong and a portal to Hell is opened, leading to demons and possessed soldiers all over the shop.Despite both games having the same plot, however, Doom 3 is significantly different to the first Doom: not just in terms of the obvious graphical upgrade, but in the way the game feels to play in general. Whereas Doom and Doom II are relatively fast-paced games where aiming can be relativ...