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Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) - der Glänzende Lackporling, ein Vitalpilze aus der TCM
2025-03-20 11:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
(Ganoderma lucidum), chinesisch: Ling Zhi von Stefanie Goldscheider Der berühmteste Vitalpilz überhaupt ist der Reishi, was auf Japanisch "göttlicher Pilz" heißt. Andere japanische Namen für diesen auch in Deutschland vorkommenden, bei uns einheimischen Pilz bedeuten "10 000-Jahre Pilz" oder "Pilz der Unsterblichkeit". Reishi wird in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin TCM seit über 2000 Jahren als Medizinalpilz und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel hoch geschätzt. Auf Chinesisch wird er als Ling Zhi oder Ling Chi bezeichnet - "Baum des Lebens Pilz". Der Reishi oder Ling Zhi heißt in Deutschland "glänzender Lackporling" - eine zutreffende Beschreibung seines Fruchtkörpers, der wie lackiert glänzt (Bilder rechts). Auch der wissenschaftliche Name Ganoderma lucidum bedeutet dasselbe: griechisch "ganos" = "Glanz" und "derma" = "Haut" und lateinisch "lucidus" = "leuchtend, glänzend". Bemerkenswert bei diesem Vitalpilz ist aber auch die Form seiner Fruchtkörper. Die Stiele sind nicht klar vom Hut...
7 Best Magnets For Nail Polish To Help You Create Stunning Cat-Eye Nails
2025-03-20 08:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling
Magnetic cat-eye nail polish is one of the hottest nail art trends today. However, youll need magnets for nail polish to create the mesmerizing cat-eye effect.Nail polish magnets attract special magnetic particles contained in cat-eye polishes and help the chatoyancy effect show through. There are tons of magnetic nail art tools available on the market. Today Im going to help you select the best nail polish magnet for doing gorgeous nail designs at home.I may earn a commission from links on this page at no extra cost to you, but I only recommend products I really love. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.My top 3 picks NamePhotoDescriptionButton 1 FrcolorSuper-strong double-head magnet stick. Works quickly.Check On Amazon Wocoto5-piece set with flower magnet tools.Check On Amazon Born PrettyCat-eye polish set with a magnet tool.Check On Amazon Best magnets for nail polishFrcolor Double-head Magic Magnet StickCHECK NOW ON AMAZONFrcolor magnet stick is made to work...
The 12 Very Best Womens Deodorants and Anti-perspirants
2025-03-20 08:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling
bath and body Updated Feb. 25, 2025 Including a lemony natural deodorant that contains live bacteria. By Dominique Pariso, a writer at the Strategist since 2018. She covers office goods, sex toys, and home-bar essentials and is also a writer for The Approval Matrix. Photo: Marcus McDonald Photo: Marcus McDonald In this article Best anti-perspirantdeodorant stick Best anti-perspirant for sensitive skin Best clinical anti-perspirant Best anti-perspirant wipes Best long-lasting deodorant Best deodorant without baking soda Best AHA deodorant Best-smelling Finding a good deodorant is much like finding a good pen: Sometimes you just happen upon it, and other times it requires an extensive hunt and many, many attempts, which is to say that deodorant is subjective and highly personal to your taste. For example, I like anti-perspirants with aluminum that can hold up to my heavy sweating. You may be different, but generally, a good deodorant anti-perspirant or not will stop you from smell...