Media Triumph des Willens (Film, 1935) -

Triumph des Willens (Film, 1935) -

2025-01-30 06:45:07| Spiritual Career Counseling

AGE-411 schreef:(quote)Vind dat eigenlijk niet zo'n moeilijke vraag. Waarschijnlijk zou het gros van ons ook op de NSDAP gestemd hebben, moesten we in die tijd in Duitsland geleefd hebben. Tenzij je weinig last had van de economische problemen (voorbeeld landbouwers, die op partijen stemden die landbouwers verdedigden). Mensen stemmen altijd op de 'beste' oplossing. En de NSDAP was voor de Duitse problemen van de jaren 20 en 30 nu eenmaal de beste oplossing. (Los van wat er na 1938 gebeurt is). Als Hitler in 1938 was gedood, of als de nazi's toen de macht zoude verloren zijn, dan was ie wellicht de geschiedenisboeken in gegaan als een van de grootste staatsmannen, ipv een van de grootste schurken.En dat hij ook geliefd was bij de bevolking is in deze docu echt duidelijk. Helaas kreeg het aanvankelijke succesverhaal 10 jaar later een donker kantje. Ik denk dat ook mensen die aanwezig waren bij de rijkspartijdagen in deze docu met een wrang gevoel terugkijken op die periode. Al zal een g...

Category: Employment



Yes, Pregnancy Tests Can Expire. Here's What to Know.

2025-01-29 20:45:06| Spiritual Career Counseling

Whether you'retrying to get pregnantor realize you haven't gotten your period, you might be considering purchasing an at-home pregnancy test. When used correctly, those types of pregnancy testsyes, the ones where you pee on a stickare accurate 99% of the time. However, if you use a product that's been sitting around in your medicine cabinet for years, or if you don't follow the instructions carefully, it's possible that the test might not reflect what's actually happening with your body. We tapped three gynecologists to get the latest information on pregnancy tests, including how they work, if pregnancy tests expire, and whether years-old tests are actually reliable. How Do Pregnancy Tests Work? Let's start with the basics. For a majority of pregnancy tests, you likely know that you have to pee on a little stick and wait for the results...but how exactly do they work anyway? "Pregnancy tests detect the hormonehuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)in a woman's urine," saysCarolyn Ross, M....

Category: Employment


10 Best Toothbrush Sanitizers: In-Detail Reviews (Winter 2025)

2025-01-29 11:45:05| Spiritual Career Counseling

Oral CareShowersShaversToiletsBathtubsAppliancesAbout us Oral CareShowersShaversToiletsBathtubsAppliancesAbout us Home Oral Care By Deborah Beams Deborah Beams Research Writer Deborah is an incredibly talented journalist who's been working for numerous online magazines for over 8 years now. She's also our main research writer who can turn any bori read more Reviewed By Charles Eggleston Charles Eggleston Expert Consultant Charles's been a plumber his entire life. Thanks to his vast experience we can always rely on Charles' expert opinion when creating any of our articles. He's also a fantasti read more Last updated: August 12, 2023 Bathroomer is reader-supported. We may earn a commission through products purchased using links on this page. Learn more about our process here Do you ever stop and think about all the built-up bacteria and grime on your toothbrush? After every use, a toothbrush head can be covered in plaque and microscopic microbes from our mouths. A toothbrush sanitizer...

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