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Vajina daraltma operasyonu nedir? - Memorial
2025-03-29 14:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
Günümüzde sk tercih edilen estetik uygulamalar arasnda yer alan vajina daraltma ameliyatlar pek çok kadnn en büyük sorunlarndan biri olan vajinal genişlemeye kalc bir çözüm salyor. Yaş, gebelik, doum ya da hormonal nedenlerle genişleyebilen vajina, vajinal daraltma operasyonlaryla eski sklna kavuşabiliyor. Memorial Şişli Hastanesi Kadn Hastalklar ve Doum Bölümünden Doç. Dr. Çidem Pulatolu, vajinal daraltma operasyonlar hakknda bilgi verdi.çindekilerVajina daraltma operasyonu nedir?Vajina daraltma operasyonu hangi durumda yaplr?Vajina daraltma ameliyat nasl yaplr?Vajinal daraltma hakknda sk sorulan sorularVajina daraltma operasyonu nedir?Kadnlarda gebelik, vajinal doum, yaşn ilerlemesi gibi sebeplerden ötürü vajinada baz deformasyonlar olabilmektedir. Bunlardan biri de vajinal genişlemedir. Vajinal genişleme vajinal daraltma operasyonlaryla düzeltilebilmektedir. Vajinal genişleme kadnlarn cinsel hayatlarn olumsuz etkileyebilmektedir. Vajinal g...
A simple solution to torn and stretched earlobes
2025-03-29 12:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
If you've ever dealt with a torn earlobe or stretched-out piercing, you know how frustrating it can be and how it can leave you feeling self-conscience. Damaged earlobes, no matter how you got them heavy earrings, accidental snags or oversized gauges that no longer fit your style don't have to be permanent. Earlobe repair surgery can get your ears looking and feeling like new again.We talked to a couple ASPS Member Surgeons who perform the surgery to bring you everything you need to know about earlobe repair.Earrings cause damageThe soft tissue of the earlobe makes it prone to damage from heavy earrings or accidental tugs that can stretch or tear the tissue."Patients can have their earrings pulled out, and a lot of times, that can cause damage to the earlobe. If patients wear heavy earrings for a long period of time, things do stretch out," said Praful Ramineni, MD. "There are also patients who have unique piercings; we've seen patients who have gauges."If you've ever seen someone...
2. 10 Powerful Remedies To Fight Cat Ear Mites Now!
2025-03-29 12:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
If you're a cat owner, you know how important it is to keep your furry friend healthy and happy. One common issue that cat owners face is ear mites, tiny parasites that can cause discomfort and irritation to your pet. These mites can lead to infections and even hearing problems if left untreated. In this blog post, we will explore ten powerful remedies to combat ear mites effectively and provide your cat with the relief they need. Table of Contents Understanding Ear Mites and Their Impact 10 Effective Remedies for Ear Mites Vet-Prescribed Medications Mineral Oil or Baby Oil Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Garlic Oil Tea Tree Oil Aloe Vera Gel Neem Oil Vitamin E Oil Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Regular Ear Cleaning Preventing Ear Mites When to Seek Veterinary Help Conclusion Can ear mites be transmitted to humans? How long does it take to get rid of ear mites? Are there any home remedies I should avoid for ear mites? Understanding Ear Mites and Their ImpactEar mites, scientifically known as Otodec...